Intelligent Precisa XM 60-HR Superior Standard Moisture Balance 124g x .0001(.1mg)/.001% moisture, 3.54" Pan Size
Economical High-Resolution Moisture Analyzer for Quality Control
This is an ideal moisture balance for handling ongoing quality control and analysis activity requiring high resolution and the ability to call up a modest menu of programs. It is especially well suited when exacting moisture content specifications must be obtained. An example is determining moisture content in plastic resins with > 0.1% moisture content. The option of a glass-free metal heater is provided for food processing quality control department conformance in FDA/HAACP (hazard analysis & critical control points) locations. Researchers and QC personnel select soft (slow), standard and boost (high) heat rate drying profile management without requiring ramp programming. Report generating is simplified by pressing the Key- Select™ mode until the display shows the desired report, then releasing the key to send the report to a printer or via the RS232 output to the computer. More XM 60-HR Value Features